Adamson Updates Blueprint AV Software

Adamson Updates Blueprint AV Software

Adamson has released Blueprint AVTM version 1.3.3, an update with support for new loudspeakers and current OS Version Mac support.

The complete range of IS Series loudspeakers is now available for design and simulation with Blueprint AV. The new coaxial point source, the recently announced IS7c joins the IS5c and IS213, which were added last year. The latest version also improves the Mac installer experience and fully supports macOS Ventura and Apple Silicon computers.

Blueprint AV has been the fundamental system design and simulation solution for Adamson’s  Product family since 2013. Recently, Blueprint AV functionality has been added to Adamson’s recently released ArrayIntelligence software, which adds control and monitoring of Adamson’s CS-Series loudspeaker range and associated rack units such as the Gateway and Bridge. System designers and installers can use either Blueprint AV or ArrayIntelligence to accurately and efficiently design their systems and streamline their deployment.

Business Development Strategist Pieter van Hoogdalem says, “Blueprint AV functionality continues to be the software bedrock for Adamson system design. We continue to support the standalone application with version 1.3.3 and will continue to invest in the Blueprint functionality within ArrayIntelligence.”

To access the latest version of Blueprint AV, visit:

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